Heute:17:30 bis 00:00 Uhr

Liebe Gäste, Freunde und Fans des Thirsty Lion

Mr. Martin's Thirsty Lion im Stile eines original London-Pubs ist seit nunmehr fast 15 Jahren eines der Highlights des Neuwieder Nachtlebens.
Ein knarrender Dielenboden, dunkle, holzgetäfelte Wände, gedämpftes Licht, dazu eine große Auswahl an deutschen und internationalen Fassbieren (Murphy's Stout, Murphy's Red, Heineken Extra Cold, Thirsty Lion Reddish Ale, Franziskaner Hefeweizen, Strongbow Apple Cider), Flaschenbieren, Longdrinks, Cocktails, Spirituosen, Shots und Shooters, dabei immer gute Musik und Musikvideos von Blues über Jazz zu Pop und Rock- gibt es einen schöneren Platz auf dieser Welt??

Für das leibliche Wohl sorgt eine umfangreiche und attraktive Speisenkarte mit tollen Burgern, Fingerfood, Steaks und Salaten und macht den Pub zu einem absoluten Muss in der rechtsrheinischen Kleinstadt.Der schönste Pub Neuwieds, ein gemütlicher Treffpunkt wo Du essen, trinken, feiern, Freunde treffen und  entspannen kannst
Unser Motto soll dabei immer sein: WIR TUN ALLES, DAMIT DU GERNE WIEDERKOMMST!!

@thirstylionnr Auf in den Pub mit dem besonderen Flair! #burgerandbeer #mrmartinsbluesrestaurant #murphysirishred #thirstylion_neuwied #neuwied #biergarten #cocktails #heinekenextracold #murphysstout #pubtrivia #publife #pubquiz #neuwiedhats #bestpubintown #burgerandbeer #rentapub #partylocation ? Originalton - thirstylionnr


For almost 15 years the Pub Thirsty Lion has been and still is a popular spot for locals and visitors alike in Neuwied, Germany. This cozy gastropub offers a welcoming atmosphere and an extensive menu of food and beverages that will satisfy any appetite.

The interior of the pub is warm and inviting, with wooden tables and chairs, dim lighting, and a large bar stocked with a variety of beers and spirits. The walls are adorned with traditional pub decorations, including old beer steins, antique clocks, and vintage posters.
As for the food, the menu at Thirsty Lion is a delicious blend of best barfood and modern pub fare. Popular dishes include a large variation of fingerfood and burgers, as well as steaks, sandwiches, and salads.
Of course, no visit to a German pub would be complete without sampling some of the local beers, and Thirsty Lion does not disappoint in this regard. They have a great selection of German and international beers on tap (Murphy's Stout, Murphy's Red, Heineken Extra Cold, Thirsty Lion Reddish Ale, Franziskaner Hefeweizen, Strongbow Apple Cider), as well as a variety of bottled beers, wine, and cocktails.
Aside from the food and drinks, Thirsty Lion is also known for its friendly staff and lively atmosphere.
Overall, if you're looking for a great place to grab a bite to eat and a pint of beer in Neuwied, The Pub Thirsty Lion is definitely worth a visit. With its inviting atmosphere, delicious food, and extensive beverage selection, it has become a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

Wir freuen uns auf Euch!

#Thirstylion #burgerandbeer #mrmartinsbluesrestaurant #murphysirishred #thirstylion_neuwied #neuwied #biergarten #cocktails #heinekenextracold #murphysstout #pubtrivia #publife #pubquiz #neuwiedhats #bestpubintown #burgerandbeer #rentapub #partylocation

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Alle News
Thirsty Lion
Marktstraße 84
56564 Neuwied


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